Commercial Energy Saving
Step 1: Energy Monitoring & Changing Behaviour
Making energy efficiency happen is about taking small steps to start with. We install real-time energy monitoring equipment that reveals your energy usage to lay the groundwork of what’s pushing up your costs and your carbon footprint.
With our product Eniscope, you can have a site anywhere in Oman up, running and being monitored by you in three hours! We promise a fully safe, non-disruptive installation process.
When Eniscope is installed, you can monitor consumption on your own or with the help of one of our team. And what’s more, you can use our bespoke designed public displays to help change the behaviour of your biggest energy leakage area on site – your staff!
Explore Energy Management-
Real time energy consumption data
Clearly verify capital project energy savings
Identify energy leaks and saving opportunities
Easily integrate with your CAFM or BMS via our API
Infinitely scalable solution on one dashboard
Motivate staff with engaging public displays
Retrofit Technologies
Air Conditioning

Up to 40% Energy Savings
The top culprit in energy and money wastage for commercial businesses is air conditioning.
Conventional air conditioning units are designed to switch on and off using pre-programmed cycles – but what happens during those cycles?
Air-con systems are mostly over-active and over-sized money-drainers. They are usually too big for what they need to do, which is where ACES 2 comes in. This smart piece of tech automatically cycles your compressor on and off according to the air temperature. This obvious but clever approach means it reduces your energy use (and bills) without affecting performance.
Up to 33% Energy Savings
Unfortunately, refrigeration systems are to blame for a massive 20% of the world’s net energy consumption. That is a huge carbon footprint!
And, as refrigeration systems operate on a thermostat-driven on-off cycle, this means the air inside the unit determines whether or not the cooling process is activated.
So the question is: which temperature really matters in a fridge – the air or the food?

Retrofit Technologies
A Commercial Success
Fellow Best.Energy partner in the Nordics – IQ Energy – recently installed Eniscope energy monitoring system across every single 7-Eleven store in Denmark. The results were beyond impressive.
- 2.7m kWh saved
- 864 tonnes of CO2 saved
- 11.52% average savings across stores
- Every store monitored from a single, central software platform
- Zero disruption to operating on-site
It is a prime example of the suitability of our system for commercial applications. The company behind 7-Eleven in the Nordics (Reitan Convenience) agree, and roll-outs are now ongoing in Sweden and Norway as well.
You can see the project and hear from our client in the video (right).
A Satisfied Client
The Reitan Group were very pleased with the results